Each Friday, there is a Community Warm Hub at Fleetwood Fire Station for individuals who have been referred by organisations such as Fleetwood Primary Care Network and Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service. Fleetwood Town Council have partnered with Fleetwood Fire Station to run this Warm Hub. Warm food and beverages are supplied every week for our Service Users. Fleetwood's Firefighting Team have visited the Service Users to make sure they are signed up for Home Fire Safety Checks, they have been given Warm Packs courtesy of LFRS and Fleetwood Town Council and have been signed up for their NOW Cards with Blackpool Transport. We'd like to thank our supporters; Blackpool Transport, Healthier Fleetwood, Fleetwood Social Prescribers, Lancashire County Council and the One Stop on Lord Street for their assistance, funding and donations so far. A huge thank you to our volunteers and to our Service Users as well for making the Hub a fabulously friendly environment which we all enjoy.